7 True Bay Leaf Tea Benefits (Laurel Bay Leaves)

Drinking Bay leaf tea is linked to several potential health benefits. Here are a few benefits of laurel bay leaf tea commonly mentioned by users.

Some bay leaf tea benefits include relieving indigestion, reducing inflammation, and promoting healthy skin.

Drinking Bay leaf tea may also help to lower blood sugar glucose and improve respiratory functions.

the benefits of bay leaf tea come from true bay leaves
Bay Leaf Tea From Organic Leaves

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7 Bay Leaf Tea Health Benefits

So is bay leaf tea good for you? Let’s take a close look at seven proven health benefits of bay leaf tea.

1. Digestive Aid

It is proven that Bay laurel leaves have carminative properties. This means one of the many bay leaf tea health benefits is it may help to relieve digestive discomfort, bloating, and gas. Laureal leaves tea may also help stimulate the production of digestive enzymes that help with digestion.

2. IBS Relief

Bay leaves contain compounds such as parthenolide which is known to have anti-inflammatory effects. So, consuming bay leaf tea may help reduce inflammation in the body to provide relief from conditions like inflammatory bowel disease.

3. Pain Relief

Joint pain is often the result of inflammation in the lining of joints that may cause the joints to turn red, swell, and become stiff, swollen, and painful. The anti-inflammatory compounds in bay leaves can may ease discomforts caused by sitffnes and soreness in the joints.

4. Clearer Skin

Another one of many important Bay leaf tea benefits fresher looing skin. Bay leaves contains antioxidants that help combat oxidative stress which contributes to skin aging. Some people claim that drinking bay leaf tea or applying it topically as a rinse improved the appearance of their complexion.

5. Blood Sugar Control

Some studies suggest that bay leaf tea may help lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. This potentially one of the major bay leaves tea benefits for individuals with diabetes or prediabetes. However, more research is needed in this area.

6. Breathe Easier

Bay leaf tea is sometimes used as a natural herbal remedy for respiratory issues like coughs, colds, sinus congestion, and congestion. Compounds in Laurel leaf tea have expectorant properties that may help to loosen mucus and promote easier breathing.

7. Cholesterol Management

Studies of both human and animal subjects show that Bay leaf may help reduce bad cholesterol. On study of healthy volunteers reported that healthy volunteers who consumed bay leaf tea improved their blood lipid profile. However, although the HDL levels increased, there was a small decrease in levels of their LDL and triglycerides.

Bay Leaf Tea Recipe

Bay leaf tea is made from the leaves of the bay laurel tree. Dried bay leaves are steeped in hot water to make Bay leaf tea. This process extracts their flavors, aromas, and the potential health benefits of the bay leaves.

10 minutes bay leaf tea recipe
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  • Choose dried bay leaves: Select five or six whole, dried bay leaves. Rinse them to remove and dust or debris.
  • Crush the leaves: Gently crush or crumble the bay leaves to release their aromatic oils. This step helps enhance the flavor of the tea.
  • Boil water: Bring two cups of water to a boil in a small pot to make two cups of tea.
  • Add bay leaves: Once the water has reached a boil, add the crushed bay leaves to the pot. Simmer and steep:
  • Reduce heat: Lower the heat to low and allow the bay leaves to simmer in the water for about 4 or 5minutes. This simmering process helps infuse the flavors into the tea.
  • Remove from heat and steep: Turn off the heat and let the bay leaves steep in the hot water for an additional 4 to 5 minutes. Steeping allows the water to extract the beneficial compounds from the leaves.
  • Strain and serve: After steeping, strain the tea to remove the bay leaves, and pour the tea into cups. You can drink it as is or add honey or lemon for extra flavor if desired.

Keep in mind that bay leaf tea has a strong and distinct flavor, which can be slightly bitter.

Laurel Bay Leaf Tree

Bay leaf tree is native to the Mediterranean region but is now grows in many parts of the world. The tree prefers warm climates with plenty of sunlight. To get the full bay leaf tea benefits, you will need to use dry bay leaves for making tea.

The Laurel bay tree is found growing in forests or along coastal areas. The Laurel bay tree is a beautiful evergreen tree that can grow quite tall, reaching uo to around 40 to 60 feet.

Where to Buy Bay Leaves

You can find dried bay leaves in you local grocery stores. You can also buy them from online marketplaces and health food stores.

Bay leaves are sold as crushed loose leaves, teabag or bay leaf powder. It’s important to ensure that you are purchasing genuine bay leaves so you can get the best bay leaf tea benefits.

Bay Leaf Tea Side Effects

In rare cases, bay leaf tea may cause digestive issues such as stomach upset, nausea, or vomiting.  If you experience any discomfort after consuming bay leaf tea, it’s best to discontinue its use.

Cineole and Eugenol are two active compounds in bay leaves. These compounds can be toxic if they are consumed in large amounts. So, it’s important to use bay leaf tea in moderation and not to exceed recommended amounts.

If you are allergic to plants in the Lauraceae family, such as cinnamon, camphor, or sassafras, you may want to avoid drinking bay leaf tea.


Laurel bay leaves are widely used for cooking and bay leaf tea benefits are enjoyed by many people. In addition, Bay leaves possess a number of compounds that are useful in fighting disease.

While bay leaf tea has many potential health benefits, it’s essential to remember that science specific data limited. So, it’s always a good idea to moderate your consumption of herbal teas, including bay leaf tea. 

In addition, always consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or pre-existing health conditions.

Disclaimer: This website is for informational purposes only. Nothing stated here should be viewed as medical advice. Please talk with your Professional Healthcare Provider about matters relating to medical treatments.

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